5 Ways to Celebrate Your Sobriety
As summer winds down and fall approaches, it is a good time to be mindful of what we have all been through this past year. For many, the pandemic exacerbated underlying problems with mental health and substance abuse. For those that chose to seek treatment or to achieve sobriety, it is important to celebrate your successes and thank the loved ones that may have supported you through any hardships.
Ways to celebrate sobriety:
- Plan a get-together. You can choose an activity that does not involve drinking or drugs. It is best to avoid triggers, particularly early in sobriety.
- Write about your journey. Whether you have done a daily journal from the beginning, or want to reflect on your path, writing is a good way to release emotions.
- Treat yourself on your sobriety birthday. Whether it is a nice dinner or a new pair of shoes, consider treating yourself on your sobriety birthday. It marks an important milestone and should be celebrated as a success.
- Share your story with others. Sharing your story can help others achieve their goals or may inspire them to seek treatment.
- Surround yourself with those you love. The people who love and support you deserve to be celebrated too. Surround yourself with family and friends in a safe, comfortable environment.
For anyone struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder, there are options for treatment. It is never too early to address any problems that may be affecting your day-to-day activities, family, or social life.
Despite upticks in the number of people struggling with mental health disorders and substance use disorders during the pandemic, few sought any form of treatment. Even of those that did seek treatment, few obtained continuing care. If you or a loved one needs help, it is available.