Deaths from Substance Use and Suicide Expected to Rise During Pandemic

New Study Shows Tragic Effect Coronavirus and Shutdown is Having on Mental Health

According to reporting by USA Today, a new study shows that over 100,000 people could die from alcohol abuse, drug overdoses, and suicides because of the coronavirus and required isolation. In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, countries around the world implanted “stay-at-home” orders. These quarantine requirements can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health as indicated in a study referred to in the reporting. Not only do people have a fear of getting sick but there is also an indefinite period of this isolation.

Across the globe, efforts to reduce the spread of the coronavirus have resulted in a social disconnect. For people struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, the loss of connection can be fatal. The uncertainty surrounding the economy has also led to an increase in stress and fear. The loss of a job can be a trigger for someone who may already be struggling with a substance use disorder.

All of this has led the federal mental health czar to ask for more funding for services to assist those who might be affected by the pandemic. Research from multiple agencies noted in the report indicated that there will be a surge in the need for mental health and addiction treatment.

Read the full USA Today report “‘Deaths of despair’: Coronavirus pandemic could push suicide, drug deaths as high as 150k, study says.”

If you are suffering from alcohol dependence or addiction, there is treatment available. You should never feel alone during these difficult times.