Frequently Asked Questions About the House Arrest Ankle Bracelet
The house arrest ankle bracelet is a safe, effective monitoring system that can be used for low-risk offenders. The device can help to alleviate jail and prison overcrowding, bail and sentencing reform, and in several kinds of cases.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the house arrest ankle bracelet:
1. I don’t have a landline, can I still use the house arrest monitor?
Yes, the device is designed to work with several different types of technology. The house arrest bracelet can be established through cellular, Wi-Fi, landline, or ethernet connection.
Today, fewer and fewer households are equipped with a landline connection. In recognition of this, the house arrest device can now be used with whatever technology the home is equipped with which is most often a wireless or internet connection.
2. Can I shower with the device on?
Yes, the device is waterproof allowing for a participant to conduct normal activities while wearing. It is important to review all of the restrictions provided by the monitoring company to ensure that you do not damage the device. The device is also tamper-resistant equipped with multiple anti-tamper systems.
3. How long does it take to install?
The device can be installed in as little as 30 seconds. It is easy to use, provides flexibility, and has a one-year field-replaceable battery.
4. Can I do house arrest and alcohol monitoring at the same time?
Yes, if you are required or requested to submit to house arrest and alcohol monitoring, both can be achieved. Continuous alcohol monitoring is done 24 hours a day/7 days a week for the given monitoring period. It is important to follow the guidance of your attorney or your health professional if you are seeking treatment.