heavy drinking

The Dangers of Heavy Drinking During Quarantine

How Alcohol Can Cause Additional Harm During Coronavirus Lockdown The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to nearly every aspect of people’s life. Uncertainty over the economy and the length of the pandemic have led to concerns that people may turn to alcohol. The World Health Organization Europe (WHO/Europe) has issued a statement reminding people that

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New Study Shows Ketamine Could Be Key to Reducing Heavy Drinking

Study out of University College London Shows Ketamine Could Reduce Urge to Drink According to an article recently published by Science News, a new trial out of University College London shows that Ketamine may help to reduce the urge to drink alcohol.  Ketamine, a sedative and anesthetic, is known to have a hallucinogenic response.  Nature

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Alcohol and Dementia

How Heavy Drinking Can Increase Your Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s According to the UK Alzheimer’s Society “excessive alcohol consumption over a lengthy time period can lead to brain damage, and may increase your risk of developing dementia.”  It is well-established that heavy alcohol consumption can seriously impact the brain.  Heavy alcohol consumption over a

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